Guide for Creating QR Codes and Users Scanning QR Codes Correctly

The article provides a comprehensive overview of common issues that can cause QR codes to not work as intended and offers solutions to address these problems. Here's a summary of the key points and the reasons why QR codes might not work:

Lighting, Distance, and Lens Cleanliness

Ensures you're at the right distance from the QR code, have adequate lighting, and keep your camera lens clean.

QR Code Color Inversion

Avoid using inverted colors, as some QR code readers may not support them.

Contrast Ratio and Color Selection

Use darker colors in the foreground for better contrast against a white background. Avoid pairing similar light or dark colors.

Blurry QR Codes

Ensure your QR code is of high resolution and not blurry, as scanners may have trouble reading blurry codes.

Content Overload

Static QR codes can become unreadable if they contain too much content. Consider using dynamic QR codes for large amounts of data.

QR Code Size

Make sure your QR code is appropriately sized, considering the 10:1 ratio of distance to the QR code size for scanning.

Incorrect Scan Destination

Check that the link or content encoded in the QR code is correct, as typos or missing characters can render the QR code useless.

QR Code Expiration

Some QR code generator set expiration dates or scan limits. Choose a high-quality QR code generator to avoid these issues.

Location Matters

Position your QR code where it's easily noticeable to your target audience, especially if it's on large screens or billboards.

Third-Party Scanning Apps

If your camera app can't read the QR code, try using a third-party QR code scanning app, as they may offer better compatibility.

Additionally, the article emphasizes the importance of testing your QR code with different devices and apps before publishing it to avoid costly mistakes and ensure functionality. But remember, only NowQR can be tested, edited or reconfigured many times over before you actual QR ScanLogo is made public.